There are a number of ways to install the Free Pascal Compiler and its libraries on your system.

7.1 Installing an FPC release from the official macOS packages. Source for a non-release version of FPC. Source for a release version of FPC.6.2.1 Obtaining the source with a command line git client.6.1 Installing an FPC release with the Windows installer.3.1 Installing from the ports collection.This document will try to help you do these things. New Version - you are creating a new release of the compiler.Or you want to confirm the compiler you have is the same as the one it produces, possibly running a checksum on the new one to confirm it matches the published one. Security - for organizational policy, legal requirements, or operational security, programs from untrusted sources cannot be used, and must be recompiled locally.Do it yourself - you prefer to build applications from source where possible.New environment - you want to build the compiler for a processor or operating system that either a version of the compiler does not currently exist, or you are porting it to a new operating system or processor.

Cross Compiling - you want to build a compiler that creates binaries for a different CPU architecture, operating environment, or both, than the one you are using right now.Intellectual curiosity - you want to discover the compiler's speed, using a medium sized application like the compiler itself.There are a number of reasons for doing this, including: While the Free Pascal Compiler comes pre-built for several processor architectures and operating systems, there may be occasions where a pre-built compiler won't do, and you need to build it yourself.